

June 06, 2018

Taking Breaks – Good for Your Health

Category: Miller Moments

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June is “Get Outdoors Month!” Here are some ideas to make sure you take breaks during your day, even if your office isn’t outdoorsy.

Eye strain

We’ve all heard about it. You might have even experienced it yourself. The dictionary defines it as: “fatigue of the eyes, such as that caused by reading or looking at a computer screen for too long.” And in our day in age with the prevalent use of screens for our jobs and our leisure – we have to give ourselves grace to take a break. It’s a necessity for your heath!

“Another cause of computer eye strain is focusing fatigue. To reduce your risk of tiring your eyes by constantly focusing on your screen, look away from your computer at least every 20 minutes and gaze at a distant object (at least 20 feet away) for at least 20 seconds. Some eye doctors call this the ’20-20-20 rule.'”  (Source) This article also has 10 Tips for Relief.

Below are just a few of the things our staff enjoys for break time. Or weekend leisure.

On your lunch break

Go for a walk or use an outdoor eating space when available.

This is not a free pass to take an hour long walk in the park every day. You should consult with your manager and/or HR department to make sure you are up to date on the laws of your workplace. And visit the Department of Labor website to view the official rules regarding work time breaks.

For a non government take on the subject, we found this article from Better Humans to be insightful on when to take breaks. Hint: it’s earlier than you might think!

Sunshine health

This article, from The Active Times, talks about the 15 Health Benefits of Sunshine. Our favorite is: Helps Improve Brain Function. “Sunlight directly affects the brains pineal gland. It’s the gland that produces melatonin; a powerful antioxidant that is important for sleep quality and helps prevent depression. So get outside so you can get a good night’s sleep; it’s important for proper brain function.”

Instead of just gazing out the office window, get outside and soak up some vitamin D. Your FitBit will thank you.

Just get outdoors

If walking for the sake of walking isn’t your thing, then mix it up with a little outdoor shopping. We have such eclectic places to frequent in our area. Legends or Zona Rosa are popular choices, but don’t forget about your nearest downtown area. You can find some interesting boutiques and great places to dine al fresco. {This picture was taken by our at the time intern, from downtown Parkville, MO.}

If you do enjoy walking or have an animal or children that need more exercise, make it a family affair and visit a local park. Looking for a Park near you? Visit one of these links to help you get outdoors today: KC area, Missouri State Parks, or Kansas State Parks

Intern Allie took some great shots of English Landing in Parkville, MO. Another great park to walk, dine, or shop. We are also very fortunate to have great trails in our area. This may not be a lunch-time activity, but it sure is a nice weekend adventure.

To make it lunch-time friendly, you could take a short walk on a nearby sidewalk during your lunch break.

In Summary to Take Breaks

Taking smaller breaks more often during your day can not only help with eye strain, but it can also make you a more productive employee. Still need more ideas? Visit the National Parks Services Great Outdoors Month article or find their Summer Tips here. Also, see how the MM team participated one year.

So, what are you waiting for?