

August 01, 2019

3rd Annual MM Company Picnic

Category: Miller Moments

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For the past three years, the staff and family of Miller Management have set aside some time on a Saturday to gather together, in the heat, and party.

This year, we were able to reserve a park for a game of kickball.

The Captain gettin’ his game on.

Adding in our family members made the game much more exciting. On many different levels. Miller Management has a successful high school/college internship for accounting and payroll – but we are considering expanding that into some different areas after this year’s picnic.

Can we talk about #athleticaccountants for just a minute? I mean, we had some true talent on the field that day.

One word: girlpower.

AFTER the game, we chowed down on some delicious BBQ. After all, what Kansas City picnic is complete without some bar-b-que? And bubbles. Our team can’t have a picnic without staff kids chasing bubbles from a bubble machine. 🙂


Also our picnic isn’t complete without frozen treats. Did we mention this was SUMMER?

Even the camera girl forgets she’s on duty when there is ice cream involved. 🙂

Between the Red vs. Blue kickball game and the festive table decorations – thanks to our talented set-up team – we were in true American spirit.

Red, white, and blue theme.

Of course speeches took place…because someone can’t pass up an opportunity to address a captive audience… *cough* our CEO *cough*

Mostly, it was a laid-back time to enjoy each other’s company. Out of the office and in the sunshine. With the bonus of great food.

3rd Annual MM Family Picnic

Thanks to all who were able to make it to this year’s picnic. It was definitely another success!