

October 08, 2019

History in 1989 – part two

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In part one of this mini-series, one of the things we reminisced about was music of that time period. How they just don’t make it like they used to. Well, the same could be said again today.

Movies & TV:

They just don’t make movies like this anymore. Unless you count the re-makes. But I don’t. It’s just not the same.

1989 Films

Anyone else’s family quote movie or TV show lines in conjunction with everyday conversations? No, just me? Okay, cool. In case you want to try it out, here are a couple to get you off to a good start.

1989 Movie quotes

These shows all got their start the same year that MM started. Sadly, they are no longer “in business” but you can always catch the reruns on broadcast TV. Or your favorite streaming service, since this is 2019.

TV shows started in 1989


I’m wondering if the people in marketing meetings thirty years ago knew the impact they were going to have for generations to come when they uttered these fairly simple words. I’m guessing not. But I can’t imagine my childhood without them.


This commercial definitely starts the holiday season off for me. I had no idea it transcended so many years, though. I’m seeing an office pool starting to see how long this commercial will continue to go…

Hersey’s commercial

That wraps up our limited cultural posts of 1989. Next time we will close out the year of celebration with the history of Miller Management, told from the owners. Again, if you’ve missed some of our story, visit our page dedicated to this year of celebration.