

October 26, 2023

Fall Holidays

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While the end of the year seems to pile on all the holidays (& year-end season!) September and October have their own holidays to celebrate. We won’t take up much time to go over all of them, but rather highlight each one here.

September Holidays

Finance & Accounting Week: this year we celebrated all our staff’s professions on September 25th – 29th for Finance and Accounting week. It seems there are several different options we have for all the different areas at Miller Management, but we chose to keep it simple this year and celebrate them under a larger umbrella. If you missed the memo, no worries. Our staff provide excellent services each day of the year and it’s never to late to send a note of thanks. 😉

We recently had a client comment on a note of prayer that was sent to them, and the blessing came back full circle when they let us know how touched they were by our note. Which maybe even inspired this post, that it’s always a good time to send a note of appreciation, thanks, or prayer. No matter if there is a national holiday or not.

October Holidays

Pastor Appreciation: we have a slew of posts just for you. From housing allowance to avoiding burnout to prayers for people to pray for their pastors, there is something for everyone on our Pastor’s section. While the official Clergy Appreciation Day was October 8th, it’s not too late to send an encouraging note to a pastor friend this month.

Church Administration Appreciation: while October mostly focuses on Pastors and Clergy, recently there has been a movement in include Church Admins into this month of celebration. The staff at MM are definitely okay with that because we actually see some of the hard work you guys do when it comes to church finances. So we don’t have any to-dos for you. Just wanted to pause and say, “Thanks for all you do!”

Bosses Day: now we are just piggying backing on the heads of churches to the heads of organizations. Everyone’s got one – your BOSS. Where we would we be without them? Hmm…maybe in less meetings, but also maybe in more disorganized chaos. The official recognition day for this holiday occurred on October 16th this year but, again, is it ever to late for a thank you note?


Like we mentioned earlier, year-end season is now upon us as well. For MM clients, we have a webpage devoted to all the things necessary to have a successful year-end season. There are extra items to accomplish to close out your year in payroll (W-2s are a big one) and accounting (closing your year and uploading your new budget come to mind). Plus, 1099s to distribute and contribution statements to send.

While none of these items are related to holiday festivities, they are items that can’t be forgotten about in all the other hubbub. That’s why your friends at Miller Management are looking out for you. And why we especially want to thank our church administration friends.

Coming Up…

In talking about fall holidays, we can’t forget about fraud week. Fraud Week is coming up in November, so be on the look out for more information on that as well. You can start with our 2020 Fraud Week post while you wait. Again, maybe not a holiday you celebrate, but an important one for the financial industry none the less.