

December 17, 2019

Answering The Call

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | For this particular journey, we must travel back to 1975. The year the Vietnam War ended. Elton John and ZZ Top were at the top of their game. The movie “Jaws” was released. And, most importantly, the V8 was added in the Mustang II. During […]

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December 12, 2019

2019 Year-In-Review

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Each year we like to look over our website and see what your favorite areas are. Without a doubt, the front-runner is always our Resources Page – where we house our free resources, client forms, white pages, and bonus items. Closely behind that page is […]

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November 27, 2019


Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | One way are staff is showing how thankful we are during this time of year is sharing a little bit with each other. Assign this group a task and you’ll have people marking off their to-do list. Ask them to say what they are thankful […]

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October 31, 2019

Fall Fun Day

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | We love our data, spreadsheets, and to-do lists around here. But who knew how much our staff also love costumes and candy! 🙂 Our first ever Fall Fun Day was definitely a hit this year with great participation and creativity. Pumpkin decorating contest, hot cider, […]

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September 24, 2019

History in 1989

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Company History. During our celebration year here at Miller Management, we’ve been telling the history of our company. Today, we wanted to share more about the world at that time. In part one of this mini-series, we are going to step back in time for […]

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September 04, 2019

Book Study: Difficult Conversations

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Staff Training: A while back, the staff of Miller Management had the opportunity to carve out two days of training for all employees by participating in the Global Leadership Summit. We heard from several great speakers and authors on topics like leadership and company culture. […]

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August 01, 2019

3rd Annual MM Company Picnic

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | For the past three years, the staff and family of Miller Management have set aside some time on a Saturday to gather together, in the heat, and party. This year, we were able to reserve a park for a game of kickball. Adding in our […]

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