

August 30, 2022

Refer a Friend to MM

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Word of mouth advertising has always been how we get most of our referrals. We can say nice things on our website or claim to help out non-profits on our social media channels, but our clients are the ones who actually know what goes on “behind the curtain.”

They are the ones that talk to our nice staff on the phones. Who benefit from our knowledgeable payroll and accounting teams and have accurate financial data to present to their board. Or receive stellar training on an administrative topic.

Word of Mouth is our Friend

When prospective clients call to chat about the services we provide, a large percentage of the time they have heard about us from someone they know. (Over 90% of the time that is the case!) The other shocking statistic is how many people look on our website before calling us. (That number is less than half!)

As the lady who writes the blog, that wasn’t good news. So today’s mission is to fix that pronto!

How to Refer a Friend

So the next time you – our beloved client – are talking to a friend about the payroll services you receive and think your friend could also benefit from the experts at Miller Management; instead of thinking, “I wonder how I can refer a friend to MM?” Now I have a great place for you to send your friend. Ready? Say it with me, Good Faith Accounting dot com, slash Hello!

And voila! Your work is done.

Above & Beyond Friendship

If you want to be extra helpful, you could also refer a friend to our F-A-Q page. This is where we tackle a few of our most frequently asked questions. (But I think you figured that one out already.) My favorite page is the breakdown of our services in graphic form. It’s both pretty and functional. (My happy place.)

Or maybe your friend is ready to dive right in. If that is the case, you may want to refer a friend to our series on how our services work. Starting with “What’s a Transaction?”

Refer a Friend to our Phone

Well I know that won’t be everyone’s speed. And I don’t mean to sound pushy. I don’t want you flabbergasting trying to remember the website I gave you. So in those moments, just keep being you. (And maybe keep passing along our phone number: 816.382.3050. 😉 )

Instead, I want to call out how nice you are. How much we appreciate when you refer a friend! How much we value your opinion and appreciate when you pass along our name because you see the benefit in outsourcing. That’s quite a partnership. And that’s why this method has worked for over 30 years.

Thank you for your kingdom partnership!