

November 10, 2022

Fall Fraud Fest – Becoming Fraud Aware

Category: Church Plants, Fraud Prevention, Miller Moments | Tags: , ,

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Last week, the MM staff took some time for staff development surrounding Fraud Prevention. We learned ways we could tighten up our own ship and ways to help our clients become more Fraud Aware.

MM Training

As our CEO said, this was our first annual event. While we have ongoing training with our staff all throughout the year, taking a couple hours during Fraud Awareness Month for specific training surrounding fraud prevention will be a new standard at MM.

fraud aware training
In-person and virtual training

Certified Fraud Examiners

We have a couple Certified Fraud Examiners on staff, and just this year they have tackled half a dozen cases across the mid-west. Our goal is to help reduce fraud in ministry and we have several ways to work towards that goal.

Our Goals

The first goal is just to start talking about the subject. Normalizing that everyone is vulnerable.

Next, we can provide training. To our staff, to our clients, and to those outside our current client base. Now that we know fraud is all around, here is how you can help prevent vulnerabilities.

Third, we can walk through the situation together – with the organization and the individuals involved – when fraud is found. Considering we are talking about Fraud in Ministry, there are certain ways to handle these delicate situations. Our team can help facilitate those conversations and provide you your legal options. As well as discussing your moral considerations.

Fraud Aware in Your Ministry

As a ministry, there are things you can do to protect your organization before fraud in found. Checks and balances that can be put into place to protect the opportunities available for fraudulent activity. Paying your people well, and treating your people well are also ways to prevent rationalizations that can occur in one’s head before a crime is committed. Even something as simple as checking in with your people during tough times, or making special allowances during family emergencies, could prevent the motivation for someone from your organization to be involved in fraudulent activity.

The worst thing people can do is brush off fraud prevention measures because we we only hire “really nice people.” Sometimes the people in these situations don’t see the sin because of their current life circumstance. Or can’t deal with the effects after they are caught.

Where do we go from here?

So, what’s a gal to do? Glad you asked. First, take our Internal Controls Assessment.

If that seems too intimidating, or you’d like to do your own research, start with our current podcast series: “Reducing Fraud in Ministry.”

Reducing Fraud in Ministry – Leadership and the Church Podcast

Then, contact Miller Management to see what your specific ministry’s next steps might be. Like we said, one of our goals is to help you be more Fraud Aware.