

July 19, 2019

30 Years of Software {Info-graphic}

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | One of the driving forces at Miller Management is to create “order out of chaos.” Software and technology has to take credit for helping create some of that order for our clients. And accounts for some of the biggest changes over the last 30 years […]

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July 11, 2019

Technology in 1989

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Continuing with our celebration year, we wanted to share some technology from the birth year of our company: 1989. The Computer Where would our lives and jobs be without these little babies? All I know is how thankful I am that they still don’t look […]

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June 21, 2019

30 Years of Staff {Info-graphic}

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | A few weeks ago, we shared our 30 Years of Spaces. Today we have a visual timeline of Miller Management staff over the years… As you can see, we’ve come a long way from a family business to an organized team of great people to […]

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May 31, 2019

Notes + Floats

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Our team is truly special; and we got to demonstrate that last week, with one of our random pop-up events we started having around the office.

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May 28, 2019

30 Years of Spaces {Info-graphic}

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | 2019 marks 30 years for Miller Management. We wanted to create a few visual timelines to show how far we've come over these past several years. First up, we are documenting the different office spaces we have occupied.

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May 16, 2019

30 Years of Treasurers

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | When you have worked in an office for 30 years, there are bound to be a few fun items collected over that time. We found some treasurers that we couldn’t help but share today. Most of our clients {& staff} will remember five years ago […]

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April 17, 2019

Volunteer Day 2019

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Our 2nd Annual Volunteer Day is in the books! The Kansas City staff of Miller Management carved out a few hours on a Friday morning to help the staff of Parkville Women’s Clinic. We warned our host to create a long list for us, and […]

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March 27, 2019

Celebrating 30 Years

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | While a 30-something sits in her office blogging about a 30-year-old company, she is struck by one thought … “How did they do that?” In a world where some marriages don’t last this long, it seems even more impressive that a married couple could start […]

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March 21, 2019

Promotion & Award

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Brainiac Award Have you heard of the Hewlett-Packard Co.’s Golden Banana Award? An HP manager wanted to instantly award an employee when he presented the solution to a problem they were having. With nothing around but his lunch, the manager handed over his banana as […]

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