

December 27, 2018

Office Cleanliness

Category: Miller Moments

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Cleaning Your Office

Is a clean and organized office one of your New Year’s Resolutions? If so, let’s tackle it together with a few basic steps. Few people like to do this, but itโ€™s so important to make sure it gets done. So here goes…

Here is a home office example, but can easily work with your work office as well. As long as you are only moving your personal items. ๐Ÿ™‚

Professional Cleaning Service

Now that you’ve gotten all the unnecessary items out of your office, let’s start with a cleaning schedule. If you already have something that works well, great! If you are needing some inspiration to get started, this is for you.

We read several professional cleaning resources and they all provided the same ideas:

  1. First Impressions: they matter. Maybe even unconsciously, but if a client sees a messy space, they could think that relates to your service or care.
  2. Health of Everyone: stop spreading sickness around with a few quick tips. Like wiping down your keyboard, mouse, chair, and desk space.
  3. Happiness/Work Performance of Employees: less sick days = boost in overall happiness =  more efficient & happy employees. Now that is a win-win-win! Plus having a clean head can help work performance.

Maybe your budget doesn’t allow for a professional service – that’s okay – the same tips from above still apply.  The key is to create a team (whether paid or volunteer) who can still accomplish the goal.

If it is a volunteer, help create a schedule that is easy to follow and hits the big ticket areas – like the lobby, bathroom, and kitchen areas. Remember first impressions! Then have your staff help with their own areas: trash, paper clutter, and disinfecting their own surfaces. An easy way to help get people on board is to have the tools easily accessible and provide everything necessary. Maybe have a quick tutorial and show how fast the above can be accomplished. You can make the task more fun by having a quarterly contest and giving away a simple prize: Microfiber cloth with company logo anyone?

Your Inbox

And while we are on the subject of cleaning, let’s talk about those inboxes. If we can tackle those, we can accomplish anything! ๐Ÿ™‚ Here are a few tips to get you set up for success:

  1. One word: Unsubscribe. For your sanity and the sake of your inbox storage limits, unsubscribe to unnecessary mailing lists. {If you really miss receiving emails from someone, you can always sign-up again in a few months.}
  2. Purge unnecessary emails. We all have them, take the time to get rid of them. Even if its for an hour a day until they are gone. {Then think how clean your whole head will feel.}
  3. Assign folders and rules. Your email can automatically put specific emails wherever you want them. Want to keep subscribing to that company for the one time you need their coupon or sale? Create their own folder and go to it before you shop. {And while you’re in there, delete the expired coupons, thanks.}
  4. Decide how often you actually need to check your inbox, and stick to it. Then, during your email time, take action right away – delete, reply, or organize into those folders.
  5. Now that your inbox is giving you a virtual hug, you will be able to see those important emails when they do come through and they will be less likely to get buried or be accidentally deleted. {Because we don’t want to be the one co-worker who missed out on the birthday cake!…again.}

Your Turn

Do you have office or inbox cleaning tips that your organization loves? We’d love to hear about them below. If you want more inspiration, follow along on our Pinterest boards of Office Hacks and Organizational Fun! Cheers to a clean and organized life in 2019!