

August 22, 2024

Fall 2024 Courses

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For so many of us, Fall is the time for budgeting for the next year, looking to close out the current year, and getting ready for the new year. Miller Management wants to partner with you to make sure you are set up for success in all of those areas. With those things in mind, below is our Fall 2024 lineup of courses.


mission driven budgeting fall 2024
September 12th

Thu Sep 122024 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT

Throughout this one hour course, you’ll learn essential skills to navigate budgeting challenges, especially during periods of static or declining revenue. We’ll explore proactive strategies for efficient financial resource management and aligning budget decisions with organizational vision and values.

You’ll also discover techniques to retain top talent, strike a balance between detail-oriented analysis and a big-picture perspective, and streamline budget meetings. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with practical insights and tools to optimize budgeting processes, overcome obstacles, and drive organizational success, even in financially challenging times. Get ready to elevate your budgeting skills and make impactful decisions that align with your organization’s strategic objectives!

Other Budgeting Resources:

Ministerial Taxes

ministerial taxes fall 2024
October 8th

Tue Oct 82024 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT

This course will be taught by Dr. Jeff Klick, a seasoned minister since 1981 and senior pastor at Hope Family Fellowship. He brings over four decades of experience to this online training course. With a passion for learning and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Klick holds professional designations including CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and advanced degrees in Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies. He is also a consultant with The Institute for Church Management and a board member of The Council for Gospel Legacy Churches. 

Throughout the course, participants will gain invaluable insights into ministerial taxes, covering essential topics such as Housing Allowance, Dual Status Filing, compensation, and more. Dr. Klick’s goal is to equip ministry professionals with the legal knowledge and beneficial tools necessary to navigate these often murky waters with confidence and succeed in their financial stewardship endeavors.

Other Finance Resources:

Counting Course

For some area associations, we are also opening back up our Counting Course this Fall. Reach out to your association to see if they are one of our partners for this session. And plan to join us on November 7th.

Other Counting Resources: