

September 14, 2020

Finance and Accounting Week

Category: Administration, Miller Moments

Posted by | This year we are celebrating Finance and Accounting Appreciation Week on September 14th – 18th, 2020. It felt as though this year needed a little more celebration time packed into all the chaos. We also celebrated our Payroll and Client Services teams. Our Accounting Team […]

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June 30, 2020

Top Hits of 2020 … so far

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Since most of America was quarantined for several weeks (or months!) this year, we wanted to see just what people were doing during this time. See how people were getting by – DIY style – by clicking on that blue button. Now, on to Miller […]

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March 25, 2020

Book Review: Do More … Better

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Reading Whether you in the “books are life” category or are a reading novice, we think this quick read is worth passing along. This book can be classified as both personal and business development and can be found on the desk of several MM employees […]

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February 28, 2020

Mug Decorating

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | Accountants Be Crafty You may think you need to see it to believe it, so … here ya go! This Random Recreational Activity for the MM staff was a definite success. Plus, it was super simple! So simple, in fact, that we decided to drop […]

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February 19, 2020

Staff Appreciation Month

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | As our clients know, January can get a little crazy around the Miller Management office. As well as with our client’s offices! Toward that end, the owners of MM try to create some ways to show their appreciation during this month. Besides getting to assist […]

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December 19, 2019

Holiday Traditions

Category: Holidays, Miller Moments | Tags: , , ,

Posted by | One of my favorite subjects to share is how our staff celebrates the holiday season! For some reason it’s gets me all excited and I can feel the natural anticipation bubbling as people are talking about their favorite ways to make it through the winter. […]

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