December 22, 2021
Top 8 Reasons to Outsource: Industry Resource

When you outsource something, you are importing expertise and exporting problems! That may have already been enough to convince you, but in case you want more information, this blog series will cover the eight areas that Miller Management provides when you outsource your accounting and/or payroll with our experts.
Top 8 Categories:
- Accountability
- Expertise
- Credibility
- Safety
- Access
- Hassle
- Costs
- Industry Resource
Industry Resource
Today, we will cover the last topic on the list: Industry Resource. If you didn’t start at the beginning, you may want to go back to Accountability and work your way through the list.
First, let’s define what we mean by “industry specific resource.” We mean someone who can provide a level of expertise in the areas of church payroll and finances. Which just happens to be the mission of MM: providing Expertise that brings Clarity to finances, enabling leadership to have Confidence in their decision making.
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Your Access:
- When you outsource with MM, you gain the experience of working with over 3,000 churches and non-profit organizations for more than 30 years. We share our best practices with you from day one, the learning curve is well over, like we mention in our Expertise article.
- Don’t worry about availability for hiring an outside service, we are just a phone call, email, or Zoom chat away. And that may be what you are currently doing with your in-house employees anyway! MM is available Monday through Friday on all accounting, accounts payable, contribution, payroll, and payroll tax matters.
- Another area of outsourcing and expertise is your access to direct deposit services and donor contributions. Plus, there are some areas of paperwork that can be available electronically, through our Employee Portal.
- Access to audit services. A third-party eyes on your financial documents. {Stay tuned for more on this subject coming soon!}
Your Resources:
- Expertise when you need it regarding other administration matters. If it’s not quite in your purview, MM can provide training in most financial topics. If your organization feels way over your head in a particular matter, we have consulting availability for CFO and CFE roles.
- Speaking of in over your head, when outsourcing you also have access to ministerial payroll tax assistance and 990 filing through our basic Payroll service.
- Which are the main ways MM can be your industry resource: we deal with the nuances of church payroll, housing allowance, church financials, and church donations.
- And if you love satire, you are definitely in the right place with our Nine Things We Have Learned About Churches over our three decades of experience.
The Outsourcing Way
Your organization may very well have someone that marks off all those boxes. But there is also a chance that you do not. Maybe the people that came to work for your amazing organization did so because they believe in your mission; not because they were first in their Accounting classes. Those people came to Miller Management, where we get to help multiple organizations with our top of class experts.

To Summarize:
Since this is our last post of this Outsourcing series, let’s take a look at what we’ve learned along the way…
Outsourcing can be your extra eyes on dealing with money – your accountability as it were. Like we’ve mentioned several times in this series, when you outsource, you are getting the experts in that particular field. The credibility your organization receives from donors goes way out, and may increase your giving. Outsourcing agencies usually have access to better safety and security as we are a larger organization, sometimes helping smaller organizations.
As we’ve learned in this digital age, your access can be as seamless as accessing your own organizations information. Outsourcing can take the hassle out of tax laws and industry nuances you may not even be aware of. Lastly, with the industry resources outsourcing can provide, and all the other items mentioned, outsourcing an expert can still be less expensive than hiring a bad employee.
With the new year, maybe this is the year to make a change. If so, learn more about Miller Management here.
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