

July 06, 2021

Top 8 Reasons to Outsource: Access

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When you outsource something, you are importing expertise and exporting problems! That may have already been enough to convince you, but in case you want more information, this blog series will cover the eight areas that Miller Management provides when you outsource your accounting and/or payroll with our experts.

Top 8 Categories:


Today we are going to define what we mean by Access. If you want to start at the beginning of this series, you can start with Accountability to make sure you are all caught up. In Miller Management’s service, as with many other outsourcing agencies, there are different levels of Access and products provided. This post today will speak in broad terms of those features, but this chart can provide you with the specifics.

MM Services Breakdown

Safe & Secure Access

Access to records should be secure and in most cases, limited. What we mean by those things is pretty basic, but not necessarily easy. While organizations may be able to handle their own protection, they may not be able to handle the nuances when a disaster strikes.

See our posts on handling offerings and on check signers for limiting access.

In our last post in this series, Safety, we went into detail of the safety of data that outsourcing should provide. This is worth noting here again since having access to your own data is great; but having it open to everyone is not the goal. Outsourcing should provide security to your organization’s financial data, including: giving information, nightly backups, and anti-fraud protection.

Speaking of anti-fraud measures, we can provide many resources towards the security of information. Through both our third-party perspective and our extensive research on the subject. For more on how we partner with you in this area, our Accountability post can provide more details. For those who want to be led down the rabbit hole of information, start with this post: Anti-Fraud: Defining Fraud (part one).

Online & Immediate Access

When using an outsourced agency, part of their job is to secure your data, as we mentioned above. And also, with MM, you have 24/7 access in real time to your financial information. Not only can you see your data 24/7, but each week our Level 2 clients receive a weekly snapshot of their finances through our Customized Dashboard.

This means that each week (or each month, depending on your service level) your MM representatives are entering your data and making sure it is accurate and up-to-date. This way your leadership can make the most informed decisions at any moment necessary. When your finances are handled in-house, you might be able to walk two doors down to talk to your finance person, but they may not be able to dedicate as much time to the weekly input as hiring an outside firm could provide.

Outsourcing allows you to hire the experts in any given field. While keeping your finances in-house may feel like you have better access, as you can see, outsourcing can provide secure and accurate access. Maybe even more easily than you think.

Up Next

Our next post in this Outsourcing series will be on Hassle. What a hassle finances are, you might ask? Well, you will just have to wait and see…