

June 06, 2024

Summer 2024 Courses

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The summer time may be a great time for you to do some staff development, staff trainings, or other further education courses. Towards that end, we present the summer 2024 course line up for Miller Management.

Free Client Trainings

Up first, our online access training for those who contract that service with us: Downloading Reports and Data from Accounting CS.

Unlock the power of financial insights with our training course on navigating read-only access to the accounting software. Please note, this is an optional add-on Miller Management service, beyond our basic accounting package. In just 30 minutes, we’ll review the ins and outs of online access in an effort to equip you to: navigate real-time activity in expense accounts, review restricted account balances, manage vendor records effectively, and more. After this course, you will have the tools to interpret your ministry’s financial data with accuracy.

This is a free training for MM clients, but you will need to save your seat for the June 25th at 2:00 pm event.

Next, How to Utilize Your Weekly Dashboard, for MM clients with Level 2 services.

Each week, Miller Management Level 2 clients are provided a weekly dashboard report. This report is designed to give a snapshot of the organization’s financial activity. In this webinar we will review the weekly dashboard, what each part of the dashboard reports on, and ways for leadership to use the dashboard. At the end of the session we’ll have time for Q&A.

This is a free training for MM clients, but you will need to save your seat for the June 26th at 2:00 pm event.

Open to the Public

Lastly, Creating Effective and Efficient Offering Counting System, for anyone who has a counting team.

This is one of our most popular classes because every ministry needs a counting system that is organized and is accountable. This course will provide a roadmap to setting up an effective and efficient counting system complete with procedures, forms, and all the necessary components needed to be successful. We also provide the IRS guidelines your ministry needs to comply with when receiving and recording money appropriately and legally.

This course is open to clients and non-clients alike and is only $25, buy your tickets today for the Wednesday, July 24th from 2:00 – 3:00 pm course.

Buy tickets for Miller Management

Our courses continue through the fall, visit our 2024 training page for a full course lineup.