

June 25, 2024

Springfield Spaces

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Way back in 2019, we celebrated 30 years of business. This year we are continuing the celebration with 35 years since our beginning. During our last celebration year, we highlighted a few areas of growth; one being our spaces over the years in Kansas City.

Now we thought we’d take you for a short ride across our spaces in our branch office location, Springfield, MO! Two years ago we celebrated being in Springfield for 10 years.

Even making the decision to rent space in 2012 in a different city than our main happenings was a big deal. At the time I’m not sure we could imagine how long it would take before we would be needing more space than the Greene County Baptist Association could lend us. But boy were we all delighted when that wasn’t the case anymore. {Even if we miss our friends at the GCBA.}

New Building

Last year we outgrew our rented space, and purchased an office building. We were so excited we threw an open house right before Christmas. (That post has more building pictures as well.) Our team will treasure that time we had with clients and friends stopping by to celebrate with us.

We promised a short trip, and that concludes our Springfield Spaces for today. Who knows how long this space will be able to accommodate our needs. Right now we know it’s a great space for our beloved Springfield gals, and we are thankful for that.

These little lookbacks have been a fun way for us to look how far Miller Management has come, what we can look forward to in the future, and thank the good Lord for his many blessings along the way.

Journey down our 30 years of history with our visual timelines or start at the beginning of the journey where we introduced 30 years of business.