

August 17, 2023

Congrats, a Round of Promotions

Category: Miller Moments | Tags:

Posted by | We had a round of new team leads in a previous post. And we have another one to add today. Plus a few other exciting internal announcements. Most of these title changes reflect the work that was already being done, but we are just calling attention to it today. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't stop and take a moment to celebrate.

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May 24, 2023

2023 Service Projects

Category: Miller Moments

KC Spring Service Project 2023

Posted by | You may notice that most staff have some form of volunteering in their bios. But that just doesn't seem to be enough for this group of number loving people. Over the past several years we've gathered as small groups to help local ministries.

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February 28, 2023

2022 Year-In Review

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Each January our staff takes a moment to review and reflect on the year that just finished and to look towards the year-ahead. This year we had a little different format, but with similar results. And potentially the beginnings of a new standard. If you know us, we love our standards. :) {IYKYK}

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December 22, 2022

Christmas 2022

Category: Holidays, Miller Moments

Posted by | This year, the staff of MM wanted to get outside of our cubicles and out from under our desks. Now, while you may be thinking that us number nerds wouldn't enjoy a little healthy athletic competition, you would be sorely wrong my friend.

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October 26, 2022

4th Annual Company Picnic

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | The weather was brilliant. The landscape beautiful. The food delicious. And the activities were a hit. All the trappings of a successful company event. But. We had to see our work friends on the weekend.🙄 There was a photographer taking pictures.📷 The budget flew out […]

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