

June 25, 2024

Springfield Spaces

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Way back in 2019, we celebrated 30 years of business. This year we are continuing the celebration with 35 years since our beginning. During our last celebration year, we highlighted a few areas of growth; one being our spaces over the years in Kansas City. […]

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May 21, 2024

2024 Serve Days

Category: Miller Moments | Tags:

Posted by | It is Spring service project season over here at Miller Management. This year we planned to help out at two diffferent ministries in two different cities, just one week apart. Kansas City lent our painting arms to the Micah Ministry of Independence Boulevard Christian Church. While Springfield staff were able to lend their cleaning and painting services to Freedom City.

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May 02, 2024

2004 to 2024 Trainings

Category: Conferences, Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | Twenty years ago, Miller Management Systems launched their training division. What started as the Institute for Applied Management, morphed into the Institute of Church Management. That way ministries knew we were really here to help them. And now, we just use Miller Management for all our trainings.

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February 29, 2024

Joy in January

Category: Miller Moments | Tags:

Posted by | If you’ve seen our Facebook posts during January, you know two things. One, we have some fun during that month. And two, it is a very busy month for our employees. Which makes the first point make more sense. This year we made a conscience […]

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January 18, 2024

Welcome to Thirty-Five

Category: Miller Moments | Tags: ,

Posted by | 1989 to today has been quite a wild ride for Miller Management. She's endured name changes, logo changes, even different services over the years (to help pay the bills). But the thing that hasn't changed over the last thirty-five years is her mission to help churches and non-profits.

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January 09, 2024

2024 Miller Management Courses

Category: Conferences, Miller Moments | Tags:

Posted by | Be the first to get the scoop for our 2024 training course line up by signing up for our non-client newsletter. Current MM clients will receive information on those training courses automatically. In the mean time, you can check out our designated page for when the 2024 courses announcement is made.

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December 29, 2023

2024 Goals

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | As the staff were remembering the good times of 2023 and enjoying a nice evening out at our Christmas party, our President also let us know that next year will mark 35 years of business. He encouraged us to think about what the next year […]

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December 22, 2023

2023 Year-In-Review

Category: Miller Moments

Posted by | As we look back at the year, we are grateful for staff milestone anniversaries, internal promotions, and additions to our team. For a building move, technology upgrades, and new initiatives. For the new clients we onboarded, client training courses offered, and video trainings on how […]

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