

May 21, 2024

2024 Serve Days

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It is Spring service project season over here at Miller Management. This year we planned to help out at two diffferent ministries in two different cities, just one week apart. Kansas City lent our painting arms to the Micah Ministry of Independence Boulevard Christian Church. While Springfield staff were able to lend their cleaning and painting services to Freedom City.

Kansas City

On these serve days, we try to start off the time with a tour of the facility. It’s one thing to read about what these organizations do (or to see who they make their checks out to) but it’s an entirely different thing to hear about it from the passionate directors, pastors, or volunteers at the ministry.

This year was no exception. The Micah Ministry is taking on a lot between the weekly meals (500-600), toilet paper, and clothing they give out to their community. The church also partners with a school at the top of the building; and they are hoping to have some theater groups in this summer. Most of these programs are accomplished by the generosity of volunteers in the community. We were happy to lend a hand starting this big painting project and restock some of their most needed items.


Springfield gals went to Freedom City to help with painting, cleaning, and enjoy a great lunch. They also were given a tour of the building with Pastor Matt and Janet. They explained what ministries Freedom City does on a weekly basis and what sections of the community they often serve.

After the tour, it was time to paint. Indoor and outdoor railings and several sections of walls and doors inside. Followed by wiping down the doors and walls in the children’s section of the building, where tiny little hands have made the walls in that section extra loved. We had a great time and really enjoyed our time!

View previous serve days: 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023 (Kansas City), and 2023 (Springfield).

The MM staff are thankful we get to keep this tradition going. And are happy to help out in a tangible way that has nothing to do with Accounting and Payroll.