

August 13, 2024

2024 Recognitions for MM Staff

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The staff are at it again! 2024 recognitions / staff anniversaries – a few big ones this year – for Sara, Angie, and Chris. You can read more about each staff member below, or read their bio on our site. During our August Chapel time, we took a few extra minutes to highlight some folks that have crossed a big milestone with our company this year.

5-year Recognitions


When our Accounting VP thinks of Sara, she thinks about how bright and intelligent she is. Also that she is a natural problem solver. Sara does all of that while also being kind, a helper, and she possesses a heart to serve. Now that’s a trifecta.

When she first started at MM, we thought we’d start her off light, so we threw her in the deep end working with our City clients. It’s not their fault they are complicated, it’s just the nature of their organization. But Sara worked (and still continues to) with them diligently, well, and is a great resources for them. Thank you for your 5 years of service at Miller Management, Sara!

Sara – 5 year recognition

10-year Recognitions


When we think about Angie, we think: Level 1 expert and advocate. She processes a large chunk of our Level 1 clients and brings her expertise to that crowd. She is also always looking for ways to grow, personally and professionally. Plus, she wants to find the most efficient way to improve on the Accounting work she does.

For quite a while, Angie was our Springfield staple, but now she often gets to travel around. We are glad she can pursue her dream, while also continuing to provide excellent care to her clients. Thank you for the many ways you have blessed our clients over the last decade, Angie!

Angie – 10 year recognition


While we recognize this guy has been around Miller Management for over 10 years; it’s been 10 years since his official full-time start date. Yes, he has had jobs since childhood, with his parents being the founders and all. When he was old enough to drive, he would substitute courier whenever he could. Then after getting some teaching years under his belt, he was asked to join the training team to help facilitate courses.

Also during his former years, he would be on the renovation team (this was a theme throughout the life of the company). And he would also get to help in areas of tech, video, lights, etc. whenever Miller Management had events.

After he joined the MM team full-time, Chris started in the marketing and training department. Then he moved over to sales and operations. Management positions were always on the horizon, and working with Glenn, he was promoted to President a few years back. Now we are all thankful for the succession planning that was put into place, and know that Glenn would be proud to see all Chris has accomplished with the business and where we are headed next.

Chris – 10 year recognition