

December 07, 2021

2021 Staff Anniversaries

Category: Miller Moments

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We had several staff celebrating one-year and three-year anniversaries in 2021, and also some larger year anniversaries to celebrate. For these bigger achievements, we often wait until a larger event to celebrate in a more special way. This year we also got to add another bonus celebration. Let’s take a peek at what’s been happening this past year.

But first, to see more about our 3 three year MM anniversaries and 3 one year MM anniversaries, our social media accounts are always the best place to find those. Those sentiments almost always come from one of the other staff, and they usually say the nicest things about each other!

5 years:


Laura is the Team Lead for the Accounting Department. Lisa, our Accounting Manager, said that Laura brings a level of dedication to her work and her clients. She has been called a “genius” by some of her clients and they are always grateful for her patience.

Laura has the ability to see both the big picture and the small details for her clients.

Thank you, Laura, for your five years of faithful service!

Watch this video for some behind the scenes moments of Laura over the past five years at Miller Management.


Susan is a part of the Client Services Team. Michelle, our Client Services Manager had this to say about her, “Her dedication to our clients, our company, and our team is a blessing to all of us. She is always willing to jump in and help her team.” With her tenure, Susan brings expertise of processes and is always willing to be available for questions for our newest team members.

She arrives as work each day with a smile, and often brings in a handmade card to each staff member.

Thank you, Susan, for your five years of faithful service!

Watch this video for some behind the scenes moments of Susan’s past five years with Miller Management.

10 years:

Tara is a part of the Accounting Department. “She has the unique ability to be firm with her clients, while at the same time inspiring loyalty and dedication in them. She often lends her brain and logical thinking to others on the team to help solve the tough issues.” – Lisa Coonfare, Accounting Manager.

Tara has a suburb attention to detail and is a true team player.

Thank you for your ten years of dedicated service!

Watch this video for some behind the scenes moments of Tara’s past ten years with Miller Management.

15 years:

Jennifer Ross has had quite the year. Not only is she celebrating 15 years with Miller Management, she was also recently promoted to the single VP at MM and in charge of our Sales process. Last, but not least, in her very limited spare time, she finished her Master’s in Leadership this year as well.

“Because of Jennifer’s outstanding work, we have amazing systems and processes in place to serve our clients. Miller Management would not be where we are today without Jennifer.” – Chris Miller, President at Miller Management

Thank you, Jennifer, for your fifteen years of outstanding contributions and faithful service!


We know a big part of the quality service that Miller Management can provide is because of our people. And we are so blessed to have the people we do! Thank you ladies for your hard work to get where you all are today.

View previous staff anniversaries on our Staff Awards post.